Nouf Al-Fayez
I had many health issues, and tried many wellness programs with very little improvement. It was only when I stumbled upon Mineral Nutritional Balancing that I found my “eureka”. From there my real healing journey started, and there have been many developments. Not only physical, mental, and spiritual, but even positive changes in life situations. Since then, I’ve been passionate about helping others in their healing and wellness journeys. I’m based in the Middle East, and can communicate in Arabic as well as English.
IG: @noufalfayez0 e: noufalfayez0@yahoo.com p: Whatsapp: +966 50 320 1247

Tally Atkinson
I am a functional nutritionist that is committed to showing others how to work towards holistic wellness. I am a wife and a mom of 3 boys, who are my inspiration for doing what I do. Being an FNTP as well as MNBP, this uniquely puts me into a position to guide and teach clients how their body works and communicates, rather than merely providing protocols. Mineral balancing has been such a gift that I added into my practice.
When focusing on helping your body get to a state of calming from stress, it can heal and release stored toxins. I have walked many people through detoxes before, but Mineral-Nutritional Balancing is different. I love using nourishment to bring your whole body back into balance. I see mostly women (in all stages of life) and children in my practice. I love to support the whole family to reach their health goals!.
w: sharingsustenance.com e: sharingsustenance@gmail.com p: (405) 795-2110

Alexandra Bucko
I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) focused on supporting clients with complex and chronic illnesses like autoimmunity, MCAD, hypermobility, POTS, and other cluster conditions. Many of my clients are of the ‘hypersensitive’ type. I am interested in the intersection between nutritional biochemistry and illness, and am currently pursuing a Master’s in Human Nutrition (MSc), and a Medical Doctorate (MD). I believe nutrients—especially minerals and vitamins—are critical for supporting the body out of longstanding dysfunction, which can result from deficiency (and hence, toxicity).
IG: @throughhealthandback w: throughhealthandback.com e: throughhealthandback@gmail.com

Matthew Coffman
I am a survivor of Lyme disease, mold illness, and heavy metal toxicity. My journey from the depths of these health challenges led me to not only survive, but instilled a burning passion towards optimal health. Having conquered the obstacles of Lyme disease and mold illness, I became a dedicated advocate for holistic healing. Exploring the realms of heavy metal detoxification, I uncovered the power of Mineral-Nutritional Balancing for a comprehensive recovery.
Today, I am an advanced Kambo practitioner, drawing on the ancient wisdom of Amazonian frog medicine, and a skilled Mineral-Nutritional Balancing practitioner. Through my podcast “Integrative Thoughts” I share insights and lessons learned, offering a beacon of hope for those navigating similar paths. Join me on this empowering journey from adversity to wellness, where I aim to inspire and guide others towards their own transformative healing.

Cressida Elias
I am a Certified Nutritional Balancing Practitioner, Paleo Diet Nutritionist, and Hair Analysis Practitioner. Through hair analysis, nutrition, targeted supplements, and remedies I bring a solution-oriented approach to clients of all ages from around the world to help them resolve their physical, mental, or emotional issues. My passion for healthy living fuels everything I do, and was the inspiration for writing “Green Smoothie Joy: Recipes For Living, Loving, and Juicing Green” and “Green Smoothie Joy for Nutribullet”.

Lauren Eyton-Jones
I have a mission to help those with the most sensitive systems achieve health. I began teaching Yoga and fitness in my 20’s; however, my own health crashed several times throughout the years. The allopathic, symptom-oriented Western and even naturopathic medicine systems were unable to help me. Concurrently, I saw the declining health of those around me and felt called to get to the bottom of why intelligent, strong-willed and otherwise healthy people doing all the “right things” got sick and couldn’t recover.
Mineral-Nutritional Balancing has been a crucial puzzle piece for me as it gets to the root of the biochemical imbalances in our bodies. I understand the extreme sensitivities to supplements and foods that a growing number of people encounter these days, and it is my objective to help guide the body back into a balanced state where it can detoxify, regenerate, and function the way nature intended.
w: luminantedge.square.site e: laureneytonjones@gmail.com p: 416.902.8954

Justine Grasl
I am a holistic health and Mineral-Nutritional Balancing practitioner who is passionate about helping you to find freedom in your healing journey. After many years of debilitating symptoms, fear, and extreme sensitivities to food and environmental toxins, I know what it’s like to feel like you have tried “everything” and how terrifying it can be to allow yourself to hope that things might get better. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
I am here to help you find the freedom to live your life, without constantly worrying about your health, symptoms, and restrictions.

Ashley Ihemelu
I’m a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner through the NTA. Additionally, I’ve taken Emily Morrow’s MBCE (Master Blood Chem with Em) course, am certified as an MNBP through Susan Cachay’s HTMA Success: accredited HTMA & Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner Course, and have years of experience utilizing Bioresonance Scans through Rooted in Wellness Co.
In my holistic practice, I work with individuals across the lifespan—from children to adults—and families to foster balance, harmony, and overall well-being. By addressing the physical, emotional, and nutritional aspects of health, I empower my clients to thrive and reach their full potential. From my home base in Costa Rica (where I live with my husband and two children), I work with clients all over the world, providing they can get access to the supplemental support outlined in protocols.
IG: @hungry.tribe w: thehungrytribe.com e: ashley@thehungrytribe.com

Maggie L. Maier
For over 20 years, I have been coaching and consulting entrepreneurs, executives, and employees to maximize their energy, memory, and mental resiliency so they can be peak performers in business and life. Known as ‘Canada’s Natural Healing and Detox Expert’, I also work with families to overcome anxiety, depression, and addictions (all without medications!). I know it’s possible because I have moved through my own mental health challenges, alcoholism, cancer, and the death of my child.
Whether you are looking to rebalance your biochemistry, your mood, or strengthen your mental health, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis gives you all the vital information you need to put in place an achievable program. Let’s make this year your best one ever!
w: maggiemaier.com e: maggie@maggiemaier.com p: 613-790-8645

Sena Maria
I found Mineral Balancing in my early 30’s as I was experiencing a health collapse. I had developed severe histamine intolerance, and struggled with fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, hormonal disruptions, insomnia, and more. Through Mineral Balancing and focusing on a nutrient-dense diet I learned how to truly nourish myself and return to radiant health. I am passionate about supporting women who want to nourish themselves more but are not sure where to start. I also am familiar with psychedelics and plant medicine healing modalities and can help bridge these worlds with Mineral Balancing for those who are interested.
I share content on Instagram @sena__maria, see clients 1:1, and run a year-long Mineral Balancing membership for women called Radiantly Nourished.

Kyle Peche
After resolving my own 7-year health battle with chronic fatigue, brain fog, panic attacks, and other mysterious symptoms, I developed a passion for healing others and alleviating their suffering as well. As a certified Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner, I use what I have learned over the years about detoxification, mineral nutrition, hair analysis, and functional medicine to help others not only recover from mysterious ailments but also regain an ability to “thrive” in their lives.
w: jyotimineralbalancing.com e: kyle@jyotimineralbalancing.com p: 954-235-6267

Luke Pryor
I started my own Nutritional Balancing program about 10 years ago. After doing the program for about 6 months, I started the process to become a practitioner under Susan Cachay and Dr. Wilson. I have been setting up healing programs for people ever since. Around the same time, I started my YouTube channel with the goal to educate people about the science.
Lewis Rowlands and I have launched lifelabs.ai and are integrating every modern method at our disposal to share this healing science with the world. This includes integrating AI, automated reports, and more into our Hair Analysis Report app. I also take on clients, of course, and look forward to helping anyone wishing to work with me as their practitioner.
w: lifelabs.ai e: lukepryor@protonmail.com p: 530-492-6503

My wellness journey is deeply connected to my roles as a wife and mother to three boys. Their well-being drives my mission to create an environment fostering healing and vitality. With a sociology degree and certifications as a Functional Nutrition Practitioner and Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner, I adopt a holistic approach inspired by Dr. Paul Eck’s principles on mineral balancing, which guide my practice and belief in the power of minerals for human energy.
My goal extends beyond my family; I am passionate about helping others achieve holistic wellness. I aim to empower individuals and families by integrating knowledge and understanding, rather than merely providing protocols. By sharing my experiences and insights, I guide others on their healing journeys, helping them unlock vitality, balance, and true well-being, enabling them to live fully and serve their higher purpose.
w: rootedwellness.care e: rootedrocker@gmail.com p: 903-243-6666

Lewis Rowlands
I am a Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner based out of Sheffield, England. I began working with the program after struggling with many health conditions in my teenage years. After finding the program, I finally had answers for my derealization, brain fog, adrenal burnout, EMF sensitivity, and more.
I have built a large HTMA practice on a foundation of a holistic approach to healing, looking at the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person to create targeted Nutritional Balancing programs. I co-run the Deep Healing Space YouTube channel, which has 6000 subscribers tuning in to over 500 videos about various aspects of healing. As someone who continually looks for better ways to provide Mineral-Nutritional Balancing programs, I was inspired to develop the first online HTMA reporting application, which benefits both practitioners and clients.

Arie Schockaert
I am passionate about assisting people to experience better health and wellbeing while removing the obstacles which get in the way of living a fulfilled life. My experience with burnout, chronic fatigue, and difficulties to ground in the body after a spiritual emergence were obstacles to being part of society and fulfilling my goals and dreams as an artist. I embarked on a path of self healing and personal transformation to create the life I yearned for.
Breath, movement, meditation, adapted lifestyle, dietary habits, and mindsets are part of my holistic approach. I integrate practices from different traditions, and have completed certified practitioner trainings in Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Science, the Universal Healing Tao system, and the Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release system. Sessions can be done in person or online with Zoom.
e: schockaertarie@gmail.com p: 0031687628960

Rosemary Slade
I have been a pediatric occupational therapist for 25 years, specializing in sensory integration, feeding/eating, and autism. I understand the challenges faced by families impacted with special needs, and the massive amount of dollars spent by families to help their children heal. Because Mineral-Nutritional Balancing is low-cost and highly effective, I added this to my practice 6 years ago and have received advanced training in this area as a practitioner. I take into consideration sensory needs, picky eating, problem feeding, behavioral challenges, implementing this program via tube feedings, and other unique trials you might be facing.
Mineral-Nutritional Balancing is not limited to pediatrics, and I have also helped many adults reach their health goals. All of my recommendations are designed to be supportive to your unique situation and to help you succeed. Discover how this program can help you, your child, and your family.
w: betterlivingwithrosemary.com e: rsladeotr@gmail.com p: 281-948-2332

Amy Southorn
I help highly sensitive women struggling with fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances and chronic dis-ease heal, by uncovering their true root causes and empowering them with advanced detoxification, regeneration, and health optimisation strategies so they can feel energised, radiant and free to live a life that they love.
I am a certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach and a Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner. I healed myself from severe ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), Lyme Disease, Heavy Metal Toxicity and Mould Toxicity that left me disabled and fighting to get my life back for over a decade.
My own healing journey was the catalyst for me to become the most thorough health detective. I am passionate about guiding women to radiant health and work with women who are ready to up-level, optimise their health and heal from dis-ease.
IG: @amylouisesouthorn w: amylouisesouthorn.com e: amy@rootcausehealingmethod.com

Dr. Andriana Tsagka-Cilliers
I am a Medical Doctor, Functional Medicine Practitioner, and Nutritional Balancing Practitioner with a special interest in gut dysfunction, infertility, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, COVID, and long COVID. I am based in the UK, and available for in-person and online consultations.

Amahl B. Van Halsema
I am a Functional Medicine Practitioner located in the Los Angeles area. After three severe car crashes (none of them my fault!), my complex healing journey ultimately helped me choose how to heal myself and then to teach others to heal.
My education includes studies in education, research, anatomy, and autoimmunity. I’m a CGP (certified gluten-free practitioner) with two certifications in gluten-related autoimmune disorders with Dr. Tom O’Bryan; a Wahls Protocol® Certified Health Practitioner, focusing on autoimmune conditions under the mentorship of Terry Wahls, MD; a Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner; an FMP (Functional Medicine Practitioner); and a Master Pilates Teacher. I studied personally with herbalist Hanna Kroger and iridologist Bernard Jensen DC. I also am a provider for Vibrant Laboratories’ amazing silicone microchip platform of testing.
Currently, I see clients from all over the USA via Zoom, phone, and in-person.
w: vhHealth.com e: abvanhalsema@gmail.com p: 310-795-8657

Carissa Wages
I reside in North Carolina with my Beloved and our 3 dogs, horse, chickens, and snails. Using Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) as a tool to track my body’s healing (and with the help of wonderful practitioners like Rosemary Slade who is also listed on this page), I reversed debilitating mental and physical ailments and turned my health around significantly. I am grateful for a career that allows me to serve others—to support and encourage the brave souls who are ready to heal.
This path isn’t for the faint of heart; commitment to actively make choices aligned with one’s healing takes courage and inner strength. I am eager to work with those who are ready to reverse damaged bodies and reclaim their vitality! It would be an honor to walk with you (virtually or in person) as you take back your health and sense of well-being.
w: carissawages.com e: HealthyMineralBalance@gmail.com p: 919-518-4300

Magdalena Witt
From a young age, I struggled with sleep problems and a dysregulated nervous system that never seemed to settle. In my thirties, I faced depression, extreme exhaustion, high inflammation, and pain. The severe neurological symptoms that followed from removal of my amalgam fillings ignited my journey to understand mercury toxicity and explore natural ways to detoxify from heavy metals. This exploration led me to mineral balancing. The results of my initial hair test accurately reflected my physical symptoms and emotional experiences.
Following a mineral balancing program, I began to heal deeply. Now, I’m committed to sharing what I’ve learned and helping others on their health journeys, especially those who are sensitive. I am offering not just expertise but understanding and a commitment to empower you on your path to renewed well-being. I live in Surrey, England, and I speak Polish and English.
w: healthandminerals.com e: magdalena@healthandminerals.com p: (+44) 7531973115