Get Out of Your Head meditation
The Get Out of Your Head meditation is designed to be used as part of a Mineral-Nutritional Balancing program. It supports healing, relaxation, and grounding plus it has the ability to raise a low...
Lifestyle Suggestions for Good Health
Healthy living is made up of the things you choose to do every day. These things might not feel momentous in the moment, but when done consistently over time, these actions form the foundation of...
Infrared Sauna Therapy: The Benefits and How to Get Started
Saunas have been used for thousands of years to help detox and heal the body. While all types of saunas offer some health benefits, it wasn’t until the creation of near-infrared lamp saunas that the...
Dry Brushing 101: Everything You Need to Know
While dry brushing might seem like a relatively new trend, it actually has its roots in ancient times. Many cultures, including the ancient Greeks and Japanese, have used dry brushing for improved...
Rebounding: 5 Impressive Benefits (Plus, How to Get Started!)
While people typically think of bouncing on a trampoline as something for children, did you know that this activity can offer adults a number of impressive health benefits? In addition to being fun,...
Foot Reflexology: Here’s What You Need to Know
Foot reflexology is far more than just a relaxing massage. It’s a centuries-old practice rooted in Chinese medicine that involves applying pressure to certain areas of the feet to produce changes in...
Meditation: The Benefits and How to Get Started
Meditation continues to increase in popularity as more and more people discover its many physical and mental health benefits. While it might appear that meditation is no more than sitting on a...
Warming Socks Hydrotherapy: The Benefits and How to Do It
Runny nose? Sore throat? Fever? Chills? Sneezing? Congestion? Headache? The home remedy known as warming socks hydrotherapy can be your go-to treatment for all of these symptoms. It’s been used in...
Epsom Salt Bath: The Benefits and How to Do It
Many of us are familiar with the sore muscles we experience after strenuous movement. What you might not know is that the soreness is due to lactic acid. Because of its high magnesium content, Epsom...
Coffee Enemas: The Benefits (Plus, How to Do One!)
When most people hear the word “coffee,” they think of a hot beverage that is drunk in the morning for energy. In the integrative health world, however, everyone’s favourite morning beverage is...
Sleep Hygiene: 6 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep
It’s 3 a.m. and you’re staring at the ceiling, watching the minutes tick by on your alarm clock, and wondering how in the world you’re going to get up for work. We’ve all been there! While a night...
Castor Oil Pack: The Benefits and How To Do It
Castor oil has been used for many years in various parts of the world. The castor oil pack is designed to maximize the oil’s potential by combining the oil’s properties (owing to its ability to...
Spinal Twist Post
Twisting postures can release tension and tightness in your abdominal region as well as encourage spinal mobility. The movement is also effective to help tone your abdominal muscles and relieve...
Knee to Chest Pose
Knee to Chest Pose, also known as Wind-Relieving Pose, is a reclining position that anyone can practice to experience relief in their abdominal region, hip girdle, and lower back. While hugging the...