Mineral-Nutritional Balancing

Hair Analysis Protocol

Hair Analysis Protocol

We are often asked how to assure the best possible results with Mineral-Nutritional balancing programs and why some health care professionals achieve much better results than others. The most common causes for poor results include using replacement therapy,...

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How Long to Get Well?

How Long to Get Well?

The speed of response to a nutrition program varies dramatically. A nutritional 'quick-fix' may relieve symptoms in 10 minutes. Other cases require five years or more of a full nutrition program. Why do some people respond rapidly while others have more difficulty? A...

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Fatigue is one of the most common complaints reported in doctor's offices today. What most people do not realize is that fatigue is not just an isolated symptom that should be treated like another illness. Fatigue is indeed a basic energy imbalance in the body. This...

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Oxidation Types

Oxidation Types

Metabolic typing is a central concept in hair analysis interpretation and the science of nutritional balancing. The term 'oxidation types' originated with Dr. George Watson, PhD, a researcher at UCLA. He wrote a fascinating book entitled, Nutrition and Your Mind, and...

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A very important lifestyle factor we often overlook in nutritional balancing is the vital importance of rest and sleep. Medical research confirms that adequate sleep is necessary to keep your heart, arteries, blood sugar, immune system and skin healthy. This...

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Energy: Oxidation Rate

Energy: Oxidation Rate

When your body is chronically fatigued, one of two things happens. You may use up your minerals too quickly until you develop deficiencies. This is what happens in fast oxidation.1 The second possibility is that you will be unable to utilize your minerals. They will...

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Copper Imbalance

Copper Imbalance

Introduction Copper is one of the most commonly-encountered imbalances that we find on tissue mineral analysis tests. Many of the most prevalent metabolic dysfunctions of our time are related in some way to a copper imbalance. Copper directly or indirectly affects...

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Energy: Healing Reactions

Energy: Healing Reactions

If your Mineral-Nutritional Balancing program gives you any emotional or physical discomfort, stop it temporarily. If you are on the program, and it gives you some physical discomfort, stop it for a day or two. If it upsets you more severely, stop for several days or...

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Emotions and Minerals

Emotions and Minerals

The connection between emotions and hair analysis interpretation is a fascinating subject. Dr. Paul Eck devoted much time to studying this area of mind-body interaction.  General Principles The following associations are derived from thousands of case histories and...

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Energy: Counselling

Energy: Counselling

Some people are so scarred by traumatic happenings in their past that they are afraid to love and afraid to accept love. Some men and women have been so dominated by their parents that they do not even know their own thoughts. Some women and men have been through...

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Energy: Relationships

Energy: Relationships

When one or both partners in a relationship are fatigued, it is a bad environment for love. Like a plant, love needs the right environment to flourish. It needs tenderness (an endless supply), understanding, unending appreciation, tranquility and an atmosphere of joy....

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Energy: Exercise

Energy: Exercise

We are in favor of exercise. We know it improves circulation, we know it helps get rid of tensions. We know it can help give one a sense of rhythm. And we know it can improve a person’s energy, because it does for many people. There is still something about exercise...

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